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crypto-currency act of 2020 Top Knowledge

2024-12-13 19:38:51

Even if the index rebounds by ten points today, then it will go this way with a high probability tomorrow.2. The current situation I'm talking about is a downward trend, and there will be a backlash during the downward trend. Today's backlash is the backlash of the downward relay, but tomorrow we have some heavy content, so with this expectation, a small Yangxian line may continue tomorrow, which is a time-sharing rebound in the morning, that is, basically, there will be a small surge in the morning, but eventually there will be a shadow line.

6. Steady varieties, high-speed banks continue to hold shares unchanged.Radical robot concept adjustment can be low suction for two days.The night is already deep. Will it go up or down tomorrow? Old investors see it this way.

Today, the rebound in the plate shows that the market funds rotate quickly, and the market funds rotate quickly with a characteristic that they do not form a common resultant force. This capital goes round and that capital goes round. There is no new main line, but fortunately, the market turnover can be there, as long as the market turnover can fall, it will not be ugly.When adjusting, it is not that the plate has no chance, because the plate and the index are not the same. So the next step is to focus on finding the varieties that your market funds are concerned about and do high throwing and low sucking. Wait until it turns.6. Steady varieties, high-speed banks continue to hold shares unchanged.

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